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Balto (1995)

Balto (1995) is an animated movie about a brave half-wolf, half-husky dog named Balto. Set in Alaska, the town’s children get very sick, and a dangerous snowstorm prevents medicine from being delivered. Balto, who is often treated as an outcast, leads a team of sled dogs through harsh conditions to bring the medicine back and save the children. The movie is based on a true story and shows themes of courage, determination, and believing in yourself, no matter how different you are.

Dog Role in the Movie

  • Balto: A brave half-wolf, half-husky who leads a sled dog team to deliver medicine.

Key Themes

  • Courage: Balto’s journey exemplifies bravery in the face of adversity.
  • Determination: Highlights the importance of perseverance and resilience.
  • Belonging: Explores the theme of acceptance despite being an outcast.
Release Year1995
Dog NameBalto
Dog BreedSiberian Husky
IMDB Rating7.1/10
Rotten Tomatoes56%
Watch onPrime Video, Fandango, Youtube

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